YoungStarYoungStar is designed to help Wisconsin’s child care providers be as successful as possible. YoungStar's 5 Star rating system gives providers like you an objective measure of program quality. It rewards excellence and offers programs a clear and continuous path to improvement. Use these resources to help get you started. If you need additional support or have questions - fill out our Request Technical Assistance form in Quick Links.Meet WOSTA's School-Age YoungStar Connect Team
Getting Started with YoungStarWisconsin Out of School Time Alliance has a collection of resources to help you navigate YoungStar as a school-age provider.
View this 3-Star Checklist and visit Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) for the full School-Age Criteria to help you get started. View the YoungStar School-Age Self-Assessment or Day Camp/Short Term Operational Program Self-Assessment on the DCF website - as well as other YoungStar accepted school-age self-assessments. After completion of a self-assessment, use this School-Age Quality Improvement Plan to help you on your quality improvement journey. Use this fillable Developmentally Appropriate Environment checklist to track your interest areas, materials, content areas and more
Use this fillable School-Age Environment checklist to evaluate your space
Use this fillable Program Inventory to assess your program materials